generated by the CPP and CPP-V scenarios is predicted to be 81 and 72 percent greater than the number generated by the DSP and DSP-V

scenarios, respectively. The methodology used to determine vehicle trips generated by each scenario is described starting on page 4.N-72 of this Draft EIR. The larger number of vehicle trips occurring in the CPP and CPP-V scenarios results from the physical separation between onsite employment opportunities and offsite housing for Project Site employees.


Page 4.F-21     OSEC-186 [See page 5-330 for the original comment] DELETE Mitigation Measure 4.F-1 as follows.


Mitigation Measure 4.F-1: All new development within the Project Site shall be required to develop and implement a Greenhouse Gases Emissions Reduction Plan (GHG Plan) containing strategies to increase energy efficiency and reduce GHG emissions to the greatest extent feasible with a minimum performance standard of five percent (as reflected in Table 4.F-3). The GHG Plan shall be submitted to the City for approval as part of the initial application process for building permits so that the measures will be verified as present in building specifications. The GHG Plan, as implemented, shall include strategies that exceed those already identified in the project description or required by law. The GHG Plan shall include strategies designed to reduce emissions generated by motor vehicles, as well as strategies to reduce stationary source emissions from energy consumption.

Strategies shall include, but not be limited to, the following types of GHG reduction measures:


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