Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, Wind Power: Siting in Communities, Community Wind Power Fact Sheet #4, 2004.Rosen, Goldberg, Der & Lewitz, Acoustical Consultants. 2014.

Rosen, Goldberg, Der & Lewitz, Acoustical Consultants. 2014.

San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Airport Directors Report, September and October 2012.

San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Aircraft Noise Abatement Office, SFO Interactive Community Noise Map Application,, accessed April 4, 2012.

State of California, Office of Planning and Research, General Plan Guidelines, Appendix C, Figure 2, October 2003.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), 1974. Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety. March 1974.

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Transit Administration (FTA),

Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, May 2006.

World Health Organization, Guidelines for Community Noise. Geneva, 1999. guidelines2.html

Wilson Ihrig & Associates, Construction Practices to Address Construction Vibration and Potential Effects on Historic Buildings Adjacent to Transportation Projects, September, 2012.


Population and Housing

Page 4.K-17              BCC-473 [See page 5-253 for the original comment] Because ABAG Projections 2013 were approved as part of Plan Bay Area subsequent to the public review period for the Brisbane Baylands Draft EIR replacing ABAG’s earlier Projections 2009, all references to the older Projections 2009 are stricken from the Brisbane Baylands EIR.


Page 4.K-19              BCC-498[See page 5-257 for the original comment] REVISE the first and second full paragraphs as follows.


California Housing Element Law (Government Code Section 65580, et seq.) requires cities and counties to include, as part of their general plans, a housing element to address housing conditions and needs in the community. The housing element law requires the California Department of Housing and Community Development, in consultation with each regional council of governments,6 to determine each region’s existing and projected housing need. The regional council of governments in turn develops a regional housing allocation plan that includes the actual


6ABAG is the council of governments for the Bay Area.
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