Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Matrix (continued)



Significant Impact Being Mitigated


Mitigation Measure


Responsibility for Implementation


Enforcement Responsibility

Monitoring Responsibility/ Frequency


Actions Indicating Compliance

Aesthetics and Visual Resources (cont.)


shall be provided to maintain compatibility with the development intensity of surrounding neighborhoods and community areas. Variations in building heights (reductions from maximum allowable heights), along with appropriate building setbacks and provision of buildings stepbacks in height, shall be employed to maintain a feeling of openness within Project Site open space areas; to maintain compatibility with the scale of historic structures being preserved onsite; to reduce the perceived intensity of development as viewed from the Geneva Avenue extension, Bayshore Boulevard, US 101 freeway, and Viewpoints 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, and 11; and to provide view corridors through the Baylands so that development is not perceived as a solid mass of buildings when viewed from downtown Brisbane or the US 101 freeway.

  • Roofs: Roof design shall be compatible with the building design and articulation, emphasizing color, form, and materials. Rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screened from visibility from the representative viewpoints shown in Figure 4.A-1. Roofs shall incorporate opportunities for solar panels, which when installed need not be screened from view.
  • Fenestration: Window patterns shall be well proportioned to the building, shall be varied to achieve diversity in architecture, and shall provide adequate light and air to interiors.
  • Building Articulation: Facade articulation of a minimum of five feet shall be required at minimum intervals of 80 feet.
  • Building Materials: Materials shall be high quality with textures and colors that further accentuate building design. Changes in building materials along a building face shall relate to building massing.
  • Signage: Signage shall complement building design in material, scale, lettering, and lighting and enhance the public realm.





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