Mitigation Measure 4.N-7 is revised to read as follows:

Mitigation Measure 4.N-7: Prior to issuance of the first building occupancy permit for new development other than relocation of an existing use within the Project Site, the developer(s) of Project Site land uses shall work with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to provide a fair-share contribution to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to cover Baylands development’s share of the capital costs for providing additional transit service needed to achieve San Francisco Muni’s capacity threshold of 85 percent along the Northeast and Southeast screenlines accommodate Project Site development-related ridership demand on San Francisco Muni transit corridors. In addition, provision shall be made for implementation of shuttle service between the Project Site and the Balboa Park BART Station along the Geneva Avenue corridor.

Mitigation Measure 4.N-9 is revised to read as follows:

Mitigation Measure 4.N-9: Prior to issuance of the first building occupancy permit for any new development other than relocation of an existing use within the Project Site, a shuttle bus service plan shall be developed and approved by the City that provides convenient transit service (maximum 15 minute headways in the peak hour) between Project Site land uses within the Baylands located more than one-third mile from the Bayshore Caltrain Station or Sunnydale Muni Station to those stations. Shuttle service shall be implemented as described in the plan prior to occupancy of any qualifying Project Site land use other than relocation of an existing use within the Project Site.

This requirement shall also be included in any specific plan approved for development within the Project Site.


[See page 5-58 for the original comment] Comment SFPD-5 fails to recognize the Renewable Energy Alternative, which provides for 1.3 million square feet of new commercial/office and R&D building area. The Renewable Energy Alternative reduces each of the significant impacts of proposed development scenarios to a less than significant level with the exception of: NOx emissions during construction, PM10 emissions during operation, and traffic impacts related to roadway levels of service. Because of the requirement for site remediation and grading to ensure public safety and bring the Baylands to a developable condition, significant NOx emissions during construction are unavoidable not only for the proposed concept plan development scenarios, but for any type of site development at any intensity.

Significant PM10 emissions were found to result with as little development as 1.3 million square feet of new commercial/office and R&D building area, thereby causing significant impacts for any urban use of the 733-acre Brisbane Baylands. Finally, because the large amount of background traffic created by existing and

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