condition. Consequently the analysis as presented in the Draft EIR is more conservative than if compared to a future baseline.


[See page 5-248 for the original comment] A third party acoustical consultant was retained to consider the acoustical effects of Brisbane’s topography and the effects it may have on the analysis of noise impacts of the Draft EIR. Please refer to Response BCC-411.


[See page 5-248 for the original comment] The first paragraph of Draft EIR page 4.J-33, which addresses pile driving noise impacts at on-site receptors 1,600 feet away under the CPP and CPP-V scenarios, is in error as there are no on-site sensitive receptors under this scenario. The discussion in this paragraph belongs in the previous section that addresses pile driving noise impacts to off-site receptors after the last paragraph of page 4.J-32. The nearest off-site receptor sensitive referred to here is on Desmond Street and in the Little Hollywood neighborhood in San Francisco. The following text revision is to be moved from the first paragraph of page 4.J-33 of the Draft EIR to the last paragraph of page 4.J-32.

The first paragraph on page 4.J-33 is revised to read as follows.

Pile driving may be necessary for mid- and high-rise office or hotel structures in later phases of site development. Under the CPP and CPP-V scenarios, the closest sensitive land use to pile driving would be offsite receptors approximately 1,600 feet away. At this distance, pile-driving noise would be attenuated to 73 dBA which, while noticeable, would be of similar intensity as high-volume roadway traffic and would not be considered significant in an urban environment, as it would be below the 86-dBA construction noise standard of the City of Brisbane Noise Ordinance. Pile-driving noise from construction of the CPP or CPP-V scenario would therefore be considered a less-than-significant impact.

A new paragraph is to be added following the last paragraph on page 4.J-32 to read as follows.

Pile driving may be necessary for mid- and high-rise office or hotel structures in later phases of site development. Under the CPP and CPP-V scenarios, the closest offsite sensitive land use to pile driving would be receptors approximately 1,600 feet away on Desmond Street in San Francisco. At this distance, pile-driving noise would be attenuated to 73 dBA, which, while noticeable, would be of similar intensity as high-volume roadway traffic and would not be considered significant in an urban environment, as it would be below the 86-dBA construction noise standard of the City of Brisbane Noise Ordinance. Pile-driving noise

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