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development. New development under the CPP would total approximately 7.7 million square feet of new building area.

o   Community Proposed Plan – Recology Expansion Variant (CPP-V). The CPP-V scenario encompasses the same 733-acre area as the CPP scenario, and differs from the CPP in that it proposes expansion of the existing Recology facility in the northeast portion of the Brisbane Baylands within the Brisbane city limits. Under the CPP-V scenario, Recology would expand southward from its current boundary, replacing the hotel and R&D uses proposed under the CPP just north of Geneva Avenue and east of Tunnel Road. The existing

44.2-acre Recology site would expand by 21.3 acres to a total of 65.5 acres, consolidating existing offsite recycling and corporation yard facilities into one location within the Baylands. The square footage of the developed areas on the Recology site would increase from the existing 260,000 square feet to 1,011,000 square feet. Total new development under the CPP-V scenario would be approximately 8.1 million square feet of new building area.


Page 1-5          Master Response 28 - REVISE the third paragraph as follows:


Future discretionary approvals and permits proposed required for development within the Baylands, including, but not limited to, site remediation and provision of water supply, will be subject to the provisions of CEQA. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(c), the City or the Responsible Agency undertaking will review any such future discretionary actions concerning development within the Baylands Project Site for development within the Baylands will to determine the extent to which the analyses contained in this EIR address the impacts of such discretionary actions, whether additional environmental review is required, and what form that that review will take. When Should additional environmental analysis is determined to be necessary, the City or the Responsible Agency may use the information in this EIR to assist in support such future environmental review.


Page 1-8          Master Response 28 - REVISE the third and fourth full paragraphs to read as follows:

In addition to providing sufficient information and adequate analysis of the environmental effects of Project Site development, this EIR also provides analysis of those activities that must occur as conditions of future development within the Project Site. Such activities include the remediation of hazardous materials contamination in the former railyard and landfill areas of the Project Site and verification of water supply for Project Site development. More specifically, this EIR is intended to adequately characterize and analyze the impacts of possible remedial activities to be undertaken within the former landfill and railyard areas of the Project Site at a programmatic level. The EIR recognizes that the specific remediation