2.6.3 City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County

City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County / Airport Land Use Commission Letter Dated July 31, 2013

C/CAG 1-1

[See page 5-31 for the original comment] Because the Baylands Project Site is located more than two (2) miles from San Francisco International Airport and is not located within the 65 dB noise contour of the airport, the Draft EIR concluded that impacts in relation to airport operations and noise would be less than significant. While Comment C/CAG-1 correctly notes that the Baylands Project Site is within Airport Influence Area A – Real Estate Disclosure Area, and person(s) offering real property for lease or sale are required to provide an airport disclosure statement, no physical environmental impacts are associated with such disclosure statements. Thus, the comment does not raise any significant environmental issues regarding the adequacy of the Draft EIR or its analyses and conclusions.

The first paragraph on page 4.G-101 is revised to read as follows:

The Project Site is located more than 2 miles from the nearest public airport, the San Francisco International Airport, or airstrip, and is not located within the 65 dB noise contour of the airport an airport land use plan. The Project Site is within Airport Influence Area A – Real Estate Disclosure Area, and person(s) offering real property for lease or sale are required to provide an airport disclosure statement. Development under any of the proposed scenarios would not conflict with an airport land use plan nor present any other impact related to a public airport use or private airstrip.

C/CAG 1-2

[See page 5-32 for the original comment] As noted in Comment C/CAG 1-2, the Baylands Project Site is located outside of Area B – Policy/Referral Area, and is therefore not subject to formal review by the County Airport Land Use Commission or C/CAG. Thus, the comment does not raise any significant environmental issues regarding the adequacy of the Draft EIR or its analyses and conclusions.

C/CAG 1-3

[See page 5-33 for the original comment] The Draft EIR recognizes that the Brisbane area, including the Baylands Project site, is subject to frequent overflight and related noise from commercial aircraft departing from Oakland International Airport and from San Francisco International Airport. Although the Baylands is not located within the 65 dB noise contour of San Francisco International Airport, the Draft EIR notes “As evidenced by the high proportion of noise complaints received by SFO from Brisbane residents, single event noise

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