addition, area landmarks, such as Brisbane Lagoon, the US 101 freeway, and Bayshore Boulevard are shown in Project Description graphics in Chapter 3 of the Draft EIR to help orient the reader.


[See page 5-90 for the original comment] See Master Response 29 for a discussion of supply reliability and delivery reliability for the OID water, and for MID and the SFPUC.


[See page 5-90 for the original comment] The two areas designated for renewable energy production in the DSP and DSP-V development scenarios are clearly identified in Figures 3-11 and 3-12 of the Draft EIR as being located immediately east of the Kinder Morgan Tank Farm and along the west side of the Caltrain line northeast of Icehouse Hill.


[See page 5-90 for the original comment]As noted on Draft EIR page 4.A-37, glare results from “sharply reflected light caused by sunlight or artificial light reflecting from highly finished surfaces such as paving, roofing, or glass…. In general, darker or mirrored glass would have a higher solar reflectivity -- or glare -- than clear glass.” While building heights would affect the amount of building surface area that could reflect light and thereby cause more or less glare depending on the amount of building surface area, heights are not the actual source of daytime glare.

While the Draft EIR recognizes that the greater amount of building area in the DSP and DSP-V scenarios will result greater impacts related to daytime glare than the CPP and CPP-V scenarios, the Draft EIR also concluded that significant glare impacts would result from all four development scenarios. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.A-4b is therefore required for all scenarios to require that building exteriors be “composed of textured and other non-reflective materials, including high-performance tinted non-mirrored glass.” To clarify its intent, Mitigation Measure 4.A-4b is revised to read as follows:

Mitigation Measure 4.A-4b: All building exteriors within the Baylands Project Site shall be composed of textured and other non-reflective materials, including high-performance tinted non-mirrored glass. Any Rreflective materials on building exteriors that have a light reflectivity factor greater than 30 percent shall be positioned so as to not reflect daytime glare onto the 101 freeway or onto existing residential communities in Brisbane and Visitacion Valley limited to less than 50 percent of any wall area. Mirrored glass shall be prohibited.


[See page 5-90 for the original comment] This comment does not raise any significant environmental issues regarding the Draft EIR or its analyses and conclusions. Whether the proposed Brisbane Baylands Specific Plan prepared by the applicant for the DSP and DSP-V scenarios should be approved, modified, or

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