To ensure compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, rehabilitation plans shall also be reviewed by a qualified consulting architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Architectural History prior to action by the Planning Commission. The rehabilitation plans shall meet a minimum of 7 out of 10 of the standards.

The Secretary of the Interior’s Standard #6, specifically, requires that replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. As nearly 50 percent of the building is missing due to fires and vandalism, such evidence is key to its successful rehabilitation. Original plans and early photographs of the Roundhouse are available at the Library and Collections Department of the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. These original plans and early photographs shall be used when preparing the rehabilitation plan for this building to ensure that rehabilitation efforts will adequately preserve the historic architectural and structural integrity of the building.

UPC 2-9

[See page 5-531 for the original comment] Mitigation Measure 4.E-4a is revised to read as follows.

Mitigation Measure 4.E-4a: Site-specific development projects within the Baylands Project Site shall not place new fill materials within 600 feet of Brisbane Lagoon, except when required for roadway improvements, habitat enhancement, or other approved site improvements. Placement of new fill materials within 600 feet of the Brisbane Lagoon shall be designed to prevent erosion of soils into the lagoon during and subsequent to construction. All manufactured slopes shall require certification by a licensed geotechnical engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that a factor of safety of at least 1.5 for static conditions and 1.2 under dynamic conditions will be achieved.

UPC 2-10

[See page 5-531 for the original comment] See Master Response 3 for discussion of the remediation review and approval process and how it relates to the timing of the City’s planning and development review and approval process. As discussed in that Master Response, the City would consider adoption of a specific plan for lands within the former landfill, OU-1, and OU-2 following completion of the Title 27 landfill closure and remedial action plans for those areas of the Baylands.

UPC 2-11

[See page 5-531 for the original comment] The first sentence of Mitigation Measure 4.G-2c is revised to read as follows.

Prior to issuance of a demolition permit for any parcel within the Project Site, the applicable property owner shall submit a Master Deconstruction

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