Page 4.B-47    BBCAG-37 [See page 5-95 for the original comment] DELETE from Mitigation Measure 4.B-8 the text in strikethrough as follows:


Mitigation Measure 4.B-8: Recycled Water Plant Odor Management Plan. Prior to the start of operation pursuant to issuance of a permit to operate from San Francisco Public Utilities Commission or RWQCB, the recycled water plant shall formulate and implement a progressive Odor Management Plan for review and comment by BAAQMD prior to review and approval by the City. The Odor Management Plan shall select a sufficient number of control measures from the following menu of options identified by BAAQMD to attain a performance standard which meets the odor detection thresholds of BAAQMD Regulation 7 as achieved and verified by the BAAQMD inspector.



Page 4.B-49    UPC 2-7 [See page 5-530 for the original comment] REVISE Mitigation Measure 4.B-9 to read as follows.


Mitigation Measure 4.B-9: The following TDM measures shall be implemented:


See also Table 4.B-21.

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