21-09 which charges the California Air Resources Board (CARB), by July 31, 2010, to establish a regulation consistent with this 33 percent target by 2020. This is a further increase in renewable portfolio standards (RPS) over SB 1078 and SB 107. On a quarterly basis, the California Public Utilities Commission reports to the state legislature on progress toward the Renewable Energy Portfolio standards. At the end of 2012, the three  largest retail sellers of electricity in California served 19.6% of their retail electric load with RPS-eligible renewable energy (CPUC, 2013).


Pages 4.P-11/12 OSEC-390[See page 5-358 for the original comment] REVISE the last paragraph on page 4.P-11 that continues onto page 4.P-12 as follows:


Two subsurface natural gas pipeline pressure regulation pits would be constructed on the Project Site near the tap and would require an approximately 20-foot-long-by-45-foot-wide area for installation and access easements (see “Proposed Natural Gas System” on page 91 of Appendix B, Draft Brisbane Baylands Infrastructure Plan).


Page 4.P-13      OSEC-393 [See page 5-358 for the original comment] REVISE the second as follows.


Construction activities related to installation of proposed electric, gas, and renewable energy facilities would result in significant impacts related to ground disturbance, damage to existing vegetation, and construction- related traffic, air emissions, and noise. These construction-related impacts are discussed, and specific mitigation measures are proposed, as follows, in other sections of this EIR: Mitigation Measures 4.B-2a and 4.B-2b (construction air emissions); Mitigation Measures 4.C-1a through 4.C- 1c, Mitigation Measures 4.C-2a through 4.C-2c, and Mitigation Measures 4.C-4d, 4.C-4e, and 4.C-4f (biological resources); Mitigation Measures 4.D-2 and 4.D-4 (archaeological resources and human remains); Mitigation Measure 4.E-2a (ground settlement); Mitigation Measures 4.G-2a, 4.G-2b, 4.G-2d and 4.G-2f through 4.G-2h (hazardous materials); Mitigation Measures 4.J-4a and 4.J-4b (construction period noise); and Mitigation Measure 4.N-12 (construction circulation patterns).

Implementation of these measures is recommended to reduce construction impacts related to the installation of energy infrastructure to less-than- significant levels.


See Sections 4.A (Aesthetics and Visual Resources), 4.B (Air Quality), 4.C, (Biological Resources), and 4.F (Greenhouse Gas Emissions) for a discussion of operational impacts of renewable energy generation infrastructure and facilities (e.g., wind turbines, solar panels) in relation to

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