Page 4.E-40    OSEC-160 [See page 5-327 for the original comment] REVISE the final paragraph as follows:

Conclusion: Because the potential for liquefaction may be is present at the site and would require site-specific analysis to determine the amount of potential settlement that could occur, this impact would be significant.

Mitigation Measure 4.E-3 is recommended to minimize impacts under all of the proposed development scenarios.


Page 4.E-42    UPC 2-10 [See page 5-531 for the original comment] ADD text to Mitigation Measure 4.E- as follows.

Mitigation Measure 4.E-4a: Site-specific development projects within the Baylands Project Site shall not place new fill materials within 600 feet of Brisbane Lagoon, except when required for roadway improvements, habitat enhancement, or other approved site improvements. Placement of new fill materials within 600 feet of the Brisbane Lagoon shall be designed to prevent erosion of soils into the lagoon during and subsequent to construction. All manufactured slopes shall require certification by a licensed geotechnical engineer to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that a factor of safety of at least 1.5 for static conditions and 1.2 under dynamic conditions will be achieved.


Page 4.E-44    OSEC-167 [See page 5-328 for the original comment] ADD text to the end of the second full paragraph as follows:

“Policy 152 requires, among other things, that soil and geologic investigations be done in areas identified as prone to slope instability. Program 152e specifically addresses areas that may be prone to erosion. Since protection of slope stability is often related to drainage control and prevention of soil erosion, adherence to Policy 152 could also be effective in minimizing the potential for soil erosion.”


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Page 4.F-1       OSEC-173 [See page 5-328 for the original comment] ADD text to the second paragraph as follows:

“Global warming” and “global climate change” are the terms used to describe the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Warming of the climate system is now considered to be unequivocal (IPCC, 2007), with global surface temperature increasing approximately

1.33 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) over the last 100 years. By 2050, the frequency of 14-day heat waves is projected to increase up to tenfold (CARB, 2014). Continued warming is projected to increase global average temperature between 2 and 11°F over the next 100 years.

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