Bayshore Industrial Park

The Bayshore Industrial Park consists of a series of metal building used for various industrial and service commercial purposes, such as warehousing/storage and auto repair. Based on the age of these buildings, there is a potential for the presence of asbestos and lead-based paint, as well as the potential for ground contamination undetected as part of previous studies within OU-2. The existing industrial park is planned for demolition to make way for new planned uses under each of the four development scenarios. Such demolition could result in the introduction of asbestos and lead-based paint, as well as potential other contaminants in the soils into the environment.


Conclusion: To avoid significant health hazards associated the Bayshore Industrial Park, implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.G-2j will be required.


Mitigation Measure 4.G-2j: Prior to approval of any demolition plan within the Bayshore Industrial Park, any building(s) proposed for demolition shall be tested for asbestos and lead-based paint.

Should asbestos or lead-based paint be identified, the affected building(s) shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the RWQCB pursuant to the most current regulatory standards in effect at the time of remediation. Prior to site development within the Bayshore Industrial Park, soils shall be tested for likely constituents of concern based on the site’s use pursuant to the requirements of the RWQCB. Human health risk assessment(s) for sites proposed for demolition shall be prepared based on the future uses of the area approved by the City of Brisbane. Should risks to human health be identified, remediation to the risk-based remediation standards set by the RWQCB shall be completed prior to initiating grading or other onsite development.


Conclusion with Mitigation: With implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.G-2j, hazards from potential contamination within the Bayshore Industrial Park would be reduced to less than significant.


Page 4.G-101 C/CAG 1-1 [See page 5-31 for the original comment] REVISE the first paragraph to read as follows:

The Project Site is located more than 2 miles from the nearest public airport, the San Francisco International Airport, or airstrip, and is not located within the 65 dB noise contour of the airport an airport land use plan. The Project Site is within Airport Influence Area A – Real Estate Disclosure Area, and person(s) offering real property for lease or sale are required to provide an airport disclosure statement. Development under any of the proposed scenarios would not conflict with an airport land use plan nor present any other impact related to a public airport use or private airstrip.

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