Pursuant to the Quimby Act, Section 16.24.030 of the Brisbane Municipal Code established a standard of 4.5 3.0 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. Application of this standard to the DSP or DSP-V scenario would require approximately 44.5 29.7 acres of parkland to serve the needs of the 9,888 residents that would be living at the Project Site at buildout.

While it is recognized that park needs per 1,000 population refer only to resident populations, it is also recognized that employees within the Project Site would use area parks and recreational facilities. Applying the Quimby Act standard to both Project Site resident and employment population would result in a need for up to 122 81.3 acres of parkland under the DSP and DSP-V scenarios.


Pages 4.M-21/22 BCC-799 [See page 5-303 for the original comment] REVISE the discussion of parks for the CPP and CPP-V scenarios starting with the last paragraph on page 4.M-21 as follows:


Under the CPP or CPP-V scenario, no residential units would be constructed; therefore, there would be no resident population within the Project Site, although the employee population would increase.

Development under the CPP or CPP-V scenario would result in approximately 14,707 employees or 14,590 employees working at the Project Site, respectively. The CPP or CPP-V scenario would provide more than 300 acres of parks and open space at buildout, with no residential uses on the Project Site. As noted above, standards addressing the amount of parks needed to serve new development refer only to new resident populations. The Although the park standards in the Brisbane General Plan, Municipal Code, and the Quimby Act are not intended for application to the employment population of a proposed development, applying the Municipal Code standard of 4.5 acres of park land per 1,000 population to workers in the CPP and CPP-V scenarios would result in a presumed need for 66.2 and 66.7 acres of park land, respectively. By comparison, the CPP and CPP-V scenarios provide 330 acres of parks and open space in addition to the lagoon and lagoon perimeter. Thus, sufficient open space to meet the needs of workers would be provided by the CPP and CPP-V scenarios.


While there would be no residents living within the Project Site under the CPP and CPP-V scenarios, it is nevertheless recognized that employees working at the Project Site could use recreation and open spaces in Brisbane during certain times of the day (e.g., lunch breaks) and immediately after work. However, because employees at the Project Site would have limited opportunities to use recreation and open spaces during working hours, they would typically use parks and recreational facilities for informal activities during weekday lunch breaks and immediately before and after work. These weekday times do not represent the peak hours for park use, which occur

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